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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wow, weird... I had this weird dream that I was in a limousine, then I was like getting off of it. I arrived at this huge, white mansion where I opened the door. I did not even know where I was and why I was there. Who dropped me off? I do not know. I was wearing a grey classy jacket,from Zara and a thight small denim skirt, from Espirit.My hair was put down. I was with five of my friends, whom I forgot. I confirmed that one of my friends were wearing a yellow dress.

That place was big, REALLY big. Like 5 condos together. I was holding a huge bag, looking as if I was going to stay there. I saw a shadowy shape of a young man, about the same age as me, wearing white and his hands in his pockets. He walked off to another room. He was quite far away from me, I could not make out his face.

My friends were at the Music room, where the owner ( which I suspect was the man in white) had kept all his CDs and instruments. They were playing catching, which I thought was improper, as they may damage the items.They were soon out of sight. I was sitting on a couch, white and black. I walked towards the classical- jazz section and bent down. I reached for the 'Hight Society' disk.

Then stared at it for a moment. Then, the young man came. He reached out for the disk I had in my hands and I let go of it, allowing him to take it.

He said" High society, I like it"

I replied with a simple " Who are you?"

Then, the young man reached for my hand " Remember me?"

His face was misty and his voice was pure and gentle. He looked quite tan, dark to be exact. Chinese, about my age. He was not wearing glasses that time but was wearing them when going to the other room with his hands in his pockets, My mother woke me up when he asked that question. He looked familiar though...

I really discourage anybod y to comment on the posts, or talk to me about it too.


2:28 AM;sophisticated ballet

Abt Me
I am ELOUISE if you don't know...
If you are a spammer, copycat, emo or sadist and stuff...Go away, CAN?
I am from YZPS
My first breath, cry and touch is on 5th October
My horoscope: Libra ( the weighing scale)
Hobbies: watching TV, go shopping, eating YUMMY nice nice food having fun


Hostblogger photobucket
Adobe Photoshop 7.0;Photostudio 5.5


Leyi Huimin KaiNing Xinquan Super Family


I wish for : world peace
no more global warming
a CLOSED ozone layer
a million wishes
a thrillion $$$
me to be a carefree girl

any date you want to put.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wow, weird... I had this weird dream that I was in a limousine, then I was like getting off of it. I arrived at this huge, white mansion where I opened the door. I did not even know where I was and why I was there. Who dropped me off? I do not know. I was wearing a grey classy jacket,from Zara and a thight small denim skirt, from Espirit.My hair was put down. I was with five of my friends, whom I forgot. I confirmed that one of my friends were wearing a yellow dress.

That place was big, REALLY big. Like 5 condos together. I was holding a huge bag, looking as if I was going to stay there. I saw a shadowy shape of a young man, about the same age as me, wearing white and his hands in his pockets. He walked off to another room. He was quite far away from me, I could not make out his face.

My friends were at the Music room, where the owner ( which I suspect was the man in white) had kept all his CDs and instruments. They were playing catching, which I thought was improper, as they may damage the items.They were soon out of sight. I was sitting on a couch, white and black. I walked towards the classical- jazz section and bent down. I reached for the 'Hight Society' disk.

Then stared at it for a moment. Then, the young man came. He reached out for the disk I had in my hands and I let go of it, allowing him to take it.

He said" High society, I like it"

I replied with a simple " Who are you?"

Then, the young man reached for my hand " Remember me?"

His face was misty and his voice was pure and gentle. He looked quite tan, dark to be exact. Chinese, about my age. He was not wearing glasses that time but was wearing them when going to the other room with his hands in his pockets, My mother woke me up when he asked that question. He looked familiar though...

I really discourage anybod y to comment on the posts, or talk to me about it too.


She blogged her story @ 2:28 AM